Online Adm Form Maharani Suraj Kaur Memorial Vedic Girls High Secondary School MANIMAJRA U.T. (CHANDIGARH) ADMISSION FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Admission No.Class *Pupil's name in Full (Block Letters) *Date of Birth (in figures) *Date of Birth (in words) *Birth Certificate in original, Attached * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Father's Name (Full Block Letters) *Mother's Name (Full Block Letters) *Caste *Class to which the Student seek admissionName of last school attended *Certified of last school *Father occupation with detail *For serviceman only-tick oneHaryanaPunjabH.P. Centre Govt.Mother occupation with detail *Qualification FirstLastTotal Family income *Phone (if any)Certificate of co-curricular activities (mention in details)Attach your certificate Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Any other interest and informationSubmit